PDF Data Extraction

Scrape Structured Data from any PDF

PDFix Desktop - a product for Data Extraction. Click to load the Embed YouTube Player to play the video.

PDFix Data Extraction

PDFix provides different levels of DATA EXTRACTION. PDFix offers multiple methods of extracting the data from your document and directly parsing the page content.No matter which data extraction level you use, you can export data as HTML and JSON, or use PDFix API calls to use data directly in your workflows. Based on your use case, you can extract only simple data, or data enriched with formatting or other information. Try different approaches to get the best possible results for your use case.

PDF Data Scraping

PDFix gives you the power to rediscover the missing structure automatically. Powered by advanced technologies, including machine learning, we are able to detect logical elements like paragraphs, headings, images, tables, lists, headers/footers, table of contents, and more.

  • Reusable Data from any PDF Document
  • Detection of high-level elements like tables, headings, lists and more
  • Highly customizable
PDF Data Extraction using PDFix Desktop

Raw PDF Data

PDFix allows you to parse PDF page content directly. You have an access to all page objects as they are stored in PDF. You can read text chunks, paths, images, and other low-level objects. For each object, there is a set of API methods to get their properties as a bounding box, graphics state, texts state, etc.

PDFix Desktop: See how it works!

Whether it’s copying and pasting some simple text or any complicated structures – we’ve got you covered! Our PDFix Desktop Pro offers multiple methods of extracting the data from your document.

Watch our interactive PDFix Desktop Pro video that shows this easy process or visit our blog where we share a batch of great posts with really good PDF topics!

PDFix Desktop: PDF Data Extraction Overview. Click to load the Embed YouTube Player to play the video.

For Windows, Linux and macOS

PDFix Desktop Lite Icon in the gray color, which illustrates the "Lite" features.

Desktop Lite

PDFix Desktop Lite is a multiplatform PDF viewer with a built-in accessibility tool.

PDFix Desktop Pro Icon in blue color, which illustrates powerful PDF features built on the PDFix SDK

Desktop Pro

PDFix Desktop is a complex solution for PDF Accessibility, PDF Conversion and Data Extraction designed for professionals and businesses of all sizes.

PDFix SDK Icon in the green color


PDFix SDK is a cross-platform solution to Automatically Extract Structured Data from any PDF.

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