PDFix SDK Changelog

Changelog and Release Notes

for the PDFix SDK


[8.1.5] – 2024-07-25


  • PdfDoc.AddMissingUnicode invalidates font PDF/UA compliance
  • PdfDoc.AddTags may create diplicate MCID entry on non-text objects

[8.1.4] – 2024-07-19


  • Linux aarch64 support


  • PdfDoc.AddMissingUnicode invalidates font PDF/UA compliance
  • PdfDoc.CreateXObjectFrom page from another document

[8.1.1] – 2024-06-18


  • Licensing – page counter updates local consumption upon sucessfull save/export only


  • Support for View Destination defined as a object reference
  • Fixed update of Structure element attributes defined in indirect object
  • Fixed Template alt_text top-bottom reversed position
  • Support for multiple same owner structure element attributes

[8.1.0] – 2024-06-06


  • Added Create URL link from content command
  • Added Replace font by regex command


  • CLI pdfix_app overwrites input file if output is not set


  • Fixed Nuget package runtime native libraries load

[8.0.1] – 2024-05-03


  • New simplified and customizable command line make-accessible command

[8.0.0] – 2024-05-02


  • Added PsProgressControl class to control long processes (replaces cancelProc parameter)
  • Added new PdfDoc enumeration interfaces with custom selection for bookmarks, pages, page objects, fonts, structure elements
  • Added PsCommand.Run function (replaces individual PsCommand methods)
  • Added Batch Commands
    • Save validation report into file
    • Remove standard tags mapping
    • Set PDF/UA Standard
    • Set Suspect Value
    • Fix Optional Content
    • Remove Standard Tags Mapping
    • Fix Media Clip
    • Tag Annotations
    • Set Tag BBox
    • Set Alternate Description
  • Added Batch Command Parameters
    • Set Document Properties
      • Set Producer
      • Set Keywords
    • Set Title
      • Use the first Description Tag
      • Retrieve the title from the file name
    • Set Language
      • Apply Language to Document, Tag, Marked Content
    • Delete Tags
      • Invalid Tags


  • CancelProc for cancelling processes moved to PsProgressControl, all API functions affected


  • Editing tags and content marks of for XObjects

[7.3.3] – 2024-03-13


  • Embed fonts fails when called multiple times
  • Dot filling text marked as artifact when tagging as Table or other tag
  • Multiple MCID assigned for page objects split by artifact when tagging

[7.3.2] – 2024-02-27


  • Append HTML support for PDF to HTML batch command


  • Fixed generation of ToUnicode CMap stream in character unicode mapping

[7.3.1] – 2024-02-16


  • Added PdfHtmlConversion.AddHtml method to append HTML code into converted document
  • Added CLI parameter for pdf2html command -a|--append-html
  • Added offline license activation support


  • UFT-8 encoding issue in PDF to HTML conversion using the derivation algorithm

[7.3.0] – 2024-01-22


  • Set Doc Info command includes set PDF/UA standard
  • Set PDF/UA Standard command


  • Progress control in commands MakeAccessible, ConvertToHtml
  • Untagged content after Make Accessible
  • Virtual Windows server license activation
  • Create Bookmarks from Headings creates empty bookmarks for nested tags
  • Error messages from CLI

[7.2.0] – 2023-11-29


  • Added Docker support
  • Added Nuget package support for Linux (amd64), MacOS(amd64, arm64)
  • Added NPM package
  • Added modulus operator mod(a,b) in template
  • Progress monitoring in CLI
  • Export to JSON including content marks


  • Fixed creating XObject from 1 BPC Image JPG images
  • Fixed adding missing spaces while tagging
  • Autotag breaks transparency in PDF object

[7.1.0] – 2023-09-21


  • Delete empty tags after TagAs
  • Fix placement for Note
  • Rotate pages PsCommand


  • Adding spaces when tagging generates too many mcids
  • Fix spaces does not embed font correctly on Linux
  • Delete Tags support for tables and rows
  • MoveTag removes the reference to parent object P
  • Add Objects to Tag does not assign direct MCID
  • Fixed Set Suspect Value
  • Remove annot from tag tree if re-taging if UA support is on
  • Flattening form fields causes appearance offset
  • Page.SetContent skews the content
  • Tag Annotation Error
  • Unicode character converted incorrectly into HTML in derivation
  • Convert to HTML invalid annotation raises an exception

[7.0.1] – 2023-07-28


  • Delete Tags command uses regular expression to define tag names
  • Set Contents command uses regular expression to define annotation types


  • Fixed Conversion to HTML when invalid annotation appears
  • Content writer issues

[7.0.0] – 2023-06-28


  • Added PsCommand FixWhitespaces, SetStructureAttribute, RemoveContentMarks
  • Added CLI batch command
  • Added PdsPageObject.TransformCTM
  • Added flags support for WordFinder
  • Added PdfDoc.CreateXObjectFromPage
  • Added support for macOS M1 chips


  • Convert Structure Tree to JSON includes type and attributes
  • Embed Font command failed
  • Get Document Properties output unreadable
  • Layout and content recognition updates


  • Fixed flatten annots issue
  • Fixed adding char spaces in autotag
  • Fixed flatten form XObject invalid matrix
  • Fixed word geometry calculation on rotated pages
  • Fixed handling marked content sequences in derivation
  • Fixed autotag table colspan issue
  • Fixed required flag support to the HTML form field


  • Removed PdsPageObject.SetMatrix

[6.20.0] – 2023-02-15


  • Added PdfDoc.SetTagId to add required tag IDs
  • Added PsCommand.RepairIdTree and PdsStructTree.RepairIdTree
  • Added PdeCell.GetNumAssiciatedHeaders, GetAssociatedHedder, AddAssociatedHeader, RemoveAssociatedHeader
  • Added PdeElement.GetTagId, SetTagId
  • Added PdeCell.GetColNum, SetColNum, GetRowNum, SetRowNum
  • Added PdfDocJsonConversion extract page content


  • PdePageMap.AddTags support for tag ID
  • PdeCell Associated headers manipulation support
  • Fixed PageMap initial table element not created if no children were found
  • Fixed PdfLinkAnnot.AddQuad invalid order of quad points
  • PDF to HTML font size optimization


  • Removed PdfDoc.AddTagId

[6.19.0] – 2022-11-11


  • Added PdsString.IsHexValue method to check if string is hex or literal object (1072)


  • Fixed AddTags does not remove mcid childs from struct tree (1085)
  • Fixed PdfToHtml conversion text color flag (1083)

[6.18.0] – 2022-09-07


  • Added option to change the license file path (322)
  • Added struct element rect attribute in derivation (395)
  • Added method PdsObject.Clone (1035)
  • Added PdsPageObject::GetContentStreamIndex (1049)
  • Added method PdfPage.CloneFormXObjects (1064)
  • Added PdfDoc.HasPassword method (1018)
  • Added option to change the page struct element from nonStruct to custom tag (1002)
  • Added method PdeElement.GetTag, SetTag (1001)
  • Added PdfJsonConversion class (1000)
  • Added PsCommand for batch processing
  • Added batch command into pdfix_app (942)
  • Added PdfDocUtils.EnumAnnots, EnumPageObjects, EnumStructElements (956)
  • Added PdfAnnot.GetPageObject method (951)
  • Added PdfDocUtils class to handle document maintenance and fixing (952)
  • Added PdfPage.CreateFomFromObject (899)


  • Changed pdf_config to contain document settings, rename general to matedata (1051)
  • Changed PdfTemplate “statement” node mandatory


  • Fixed writing encrypted object streams (1022)
  • Fixed form xobject not marked as artifact after autogagging (1063)
  • Fixed CreateParent tree causes exception if Nums array is missing (1062)
  • Fixed PdsContentUndoEntry on form object optimization (1059)
  • Fixed PdePageMap.AddTags does not clear previous object structure on all objects (1044)
  • Fixed Invalid ptr in C# wrapper if the function returning Struct that not filled (1039)
  • Fixed setting document title in metadata (931)
  • Fixed PDF/UA support when removing annotation (923)
  • Fixed update parent tree after removing OBJR child from struct tree (921)
  • Fixed PdsStrucTree.AddAnnot (912)
  • Fixed CPdsStructElement.GetChildPageNumber (898)
  • Fixed not rendering widget annotations even with renderAnnot flag (896)

[6.17.0] – 2022-02-11


  • Added Pdfix.LoadSettingsFromStream to load SDK settings (#863)
  • Added PdfFont.GetObject method (#860)
  • Added PdfDoc.SetPdfStandard method (#843)
  • Added support for freetext annotation appearance (#840)
  • Added PdfDoc.SetVersion to set the document PDF version (#835)
  • Added PdsContentMark.SetTagName, SetTagObject (#829)
  • Added PdsStructElement.MoveChild method to move child object to another struct element (#828)
  • Added PdfDocConversion, PdfHtmlDocConversion, PdfTiffDocConversion class for handling document conversion (#822)
  • Added PdsPageObject.RemoveTags method to remove object’s content marks (#816)
  • Added PdfFont.GetEmbedded, GetUnicodeFromCharCode, SetUnicodeFromCharCode (#815)
  • Added PdsPageObject.GetMcid (#812)
  • Added PdfPage.DrawContent support for subpixel rendering (#810, #809)
  • Added PdsContentMark.RemoveTags to remove tags by type (#808)
  • Added PdfDocTemplate support for fill/stroke color of PdsPageObject (#804)


  • Changed PdfDoc.RemoveSecurity method to return bool (#877)
  • Changed PdsStructElement.AddTag, InsertTag methods argument (#869)
  • Changed PdsPageObject.GetBBox to return transformed rect according to page coordinate system (#854)
  • Changed PdfToHtml plugin to be a part of the PDFix SDK core library (#851)
  • Changed PdfDocTemplate.SetDefaults to clear document preflight data (#850)
  • Changed PdsStructElement.SetParent to remove element from its previous parent (#803)
  • Changed PdsStructElement.RemoveChild to remove mcid from page object content mark dictionary (#788)


  • Fixed memory management issues (#875, #874, #872, #870, #801)
  • Fixed saving the PDF file with object stream (#866)
  • Fixed changed path fill color creating page map (#846)
  • Fixed reading unicode keys in the PdsDictionary (#845)
  • Fixed table recognition when empty cells are present (#844)
  • Fixed PdfDoc.RemoveBookmarks does not remove Outlines in document root (#834)
  • Fixed writing content mark name with space character (#833)
  • Fixed PdfDoc.InsertPages to copy also inheritable page keys (#831)
  • Fixed PdfPage.GetRotate on document with multi-level pagetree (#830)
  • Fixed ArcTo, when arc is half-circle (#827)
  • Fixed conversion of combobox export values into HTML (#879)
  • Fixed conversion of hidden form field into HTML (#880)

[6.16.0] – 2021-10-29


  • Added .NET API support for Disposable objects
  • Added PsRenderDeviceContext class to handle different types of devices for rendering (#740)
  • Added PdsStructTree.RemoveRoleMap, CreateClassMap, RemoveClassMap (#766)
  • Added PdfDoc.GetVersion (#767)
  • Added PdsContentMark.InsertTag, GetNumEqualTags (#770, #780)
  • Added PdsClassMap.GetObject method (#772)
  • Added PdsObject.RegisterEvent, UnregisterEvent with notification kEventWillChange, kEventDidChange, kEventWillDestroy (#779)
  • Added PdsContent.RegisterEvent, UnregisterEvent with notification kEventWillChange, kEventDidChange (#785)
  • Added PdsPageObject.RegisterEvent, UnregisterEvent with notification kEventWillDestroy (#786)


  • Changed do not allow delete page when it’s acquired (#777)
  • Changed PdfDoc.Close to force closing document even if refcount not zero (#791)


  • Fixed setting unicode string values in PdsStructElement and PdfBookmark (#764)
  • Fixed content writer when saving nested BDC .. EMC operators (#765)
  • Fixed nested content marks in the page content (#771)
  • Fixed PdePageMap autorotate reverts to original after elements are created (#774)
  • Fixed PdfBookmark.Unlink method (#775)
  • Fixed PdePageMap.CreateElements returns false when template is invalid (#787)

[6.15.0] – 2021-10-04


  • Added PdfPage.RemoveArtifact SDK-758
  • Added PdfPage.ArtifactNonTaggedContent (#757)
  • Added method PdfDoc.CreateRoleMap (#753)
  • Added method PdsRoleMap.GetObject (#754)
  • Added method PdfDoc.CreateBookmarkRoot (#752)


  • Fixed saving page content with too large transformation (#756)

[6.14.0] – 2021-09-14


  • Added PdfAnnotHandler class (#547, #580, #590, #594, #605, #648)
  • Added PdfActionHandler class (#629, #647, #681)
  • Added PdfAnnot.Copy, Paste (#646, #676, #677)
  • Added PdfAction.GetNumChildren, GetChild, RemoveChild to support next action (#684, #685)
  • Added PdfBookmark.RemoveChild, AddChild (#698)
  • Added PdePageMap.HasElements to check if the elements were created (#710)
  • Added PdsStructTree.AddKid & PdsStructElement.AddKid (#720)
  • Added PdfDoc.GetUserPermissions to read document’s user permissions #735
  • Added PdsPageObject.GetContent to get reference to parent PdsContent (#736)
  • Added PdfDocUndoDidCreate, PdfDocUndoWillDestroy notifications (#746)


  • Changed AcquireAction and AcquireViewDestination to GetAction, GetViewDestination (#695)
  • Changed PdfBookmark.RemoveChild returns removed PdfBookmark (#698)
  • Changed PdfStructElement.AcquireStructElement to GetStructElementFromObject (#702)
  • Renamed PdfStructElemen.CreateStructElement to AddNewKid (#722, #723)
  • Changed PdsContentMark method GetTagArtifact returns PdsDictionary (#725)
  • Changed method Close returns number of references (#729)
  • Renamed PdfDocAddNewUndo to PdfDoc.CreateUndo (#747)


  • Fixed auto-rotated page after running page map (#674)
  • Fixed saving style outside of head element when converting PDF to HTML (#680)
  • Fixed setting a color of a bookmark in SetAppearance method (#691)
  • Fixed redaction of image masks (#692)
  • Fixed crash when reading struct tree (#697)
  • Fixed crash when processing page content (#703, #704, #734, #749)
  • Fixed adding bookmark children on invalid index (#707)
  • Fixed html plugin throws exception when pagemap elements were already created (#710)
  • Fixed output path determination in conversion to html (#713)
  • Fixed GetParent on bookmark. Functioned returned null when the bookmark was removed & added to the bookmark tree again (#714)
  • Fixed PdfDocTemplate::LoadFromStream – does not duplicate already existing entries in JSON (#727)
  • Fixed Missing PDF pages failed to load in the HTML output without error (#728)


  • Removed AddNewAnnot methods, and Added PdfAction SetViewDestination for action (#700, #688)

[6.13.0] – 2021-06-28


  • Added PdfBookmark methods GetNext, GetPrev, GetParent (#671, #668)
  • Added method PdfDoc.GetBookmarkFromObject (#650)
  • Added method PdsPageObject.GetDoc (#659)
  • Added SetAction method to PdfWidgetAnnot, PdfLinkAnnot (#654, #653)


  • Changed method PdsText::GetTextState not to require PdfDoc reference (#660)


  • Fixed method PdfDoc::GetInfo modifies the document (#620)
  • Fixed content writer when page object has zero transformation matrix (#649)


  • Removed method PsMetadata.LoadFromStream (#655)
  • Removed GetStructElement from PdsStructTree (#666)

[6.12.0] – 2021-06-09


  • Added methods IsOpen, SetOpen to read write bookmark open state (#643)
  • Added notifications will/did add/remove/change to PdfDocTemplate, PdsObject, StructTree, StructElement, PdePageMap (#635, #639, #633, #634, #609)
  • Added method PdfDoc.ClearFlags (#630)
  • Added PdfPage.GetRefNum method (#611)
  • Added conversion of button field style to HTML (#607)


  • Changed PdePageMap acquisition, object creation and manipulation (#602, #608, #610, #600)
  • Changed add watermark CLI parameters (#572)


  • Fixed missing objects when saving document multiple times (#631)
  • Fixed charcode from unicode conversion (606)
  • Fixed structures with default value None in python API (#601)
  • Fixed memory management, object reference count control acquire/release (#571, #570)

[6.11.0] – 2021-05-13


  • Added method PdsObject.GetDoc (#522)
  • Added kEventDocDidChangeFlags notification when document flags did change (#552)
  • Added PdsWord.GetQuad method (#558)
  • Added PdfStandardSecurityHandler and PdfCustomSecurityHandler interface (#530, #537)
  • Added PdfDoc methods Authorize, IsSecured to enable opening document without password (#525, #528, #529, #536, #541)
  • Added PdfWordList object to access words on the page (#560, #569)


  • Changed c++ API PdfPoint, PdfDevPoint default constructor (#557)
  • Changed PdfPage::AcquirePageMap to improve performance (#562)
  • Changed PdfPage::FlattenAnnot, FlattenFormXObjects do not save new page content directly (#564, #567)
  • Changed PdfPage::Release method returns the number of remaining references (#555)


  • Fixed FlattenAnnots when appearance object is missing form XObject Type and Subtype key (#578)
  • Fixed scrolling effect of converted PDF form to HTML (#554)
  • Fixed application of trialstamp after content redaction (#545)


  • Removed CPdfDoc::AddWatermarkFromImage and structures PdfPageRange, PdfWatermarkParams (#572)
  • Removed PdfWordFinder object (#560, #569)

[6.10.0] – 2021-04-21


  • Added method PdfAnnot.SetFlags (#540)
  • Added const to exported functions (#506)
  • Added PdsText.GetCharStateFlags, SetCharStateFlags method to set the flag on text run character (#518)
  • Added PdeWord.GetCharStateFlags method to get the flag on character (#519)
  • Added support for kStateExclude flag for method PdeWord.GetCharStateFlags when converting to HTML (#520)
  • Added PdsTextRun & PdeTextRun interfaces and methods that allow us to iterate over textruns in words (#507)
  • Added PdsContentMark.Equals method to compare two content marks (#509)
  • Added PdfUndo object to support undo, redo for PdsObject manipulation (#501)
  • Added PdsDictionary.RemoveKey method (#499)
  • Added cancel proc and progress control to PdfDoc.EmbedFonts, ApplyRedaction, AddFontMissingUnicode, PdfPageMap.AcquireElements, PdfHtmlDoc.Save, PdfHtmlDoc.SaveDocHtml, PdfHtmlDoc.SavePageHtml (#493, #478, #479, #480)
  • Added PdfStateFlags.kStateDefault enum value (#486)
  • Added PdfWordFinder class to access page words (#465)
  • Added method PdfDoc.CreateBooleanObject (#484)
  • Added method PdfDoc.GetFlags to identify the document state (#517)


  • Changed doubles to floats in the API (#471)
  • Changed PdfPage method FlattenAnnot to add annotation appearance into page content as a FormXObject through PdsContent (#495)
  • Renamed PdsPageObject methods MoveTo, CopyTo to MoveToContent, CopyToContent (#491)


  • Fixed loading multiple config jsons into PdfDocTemplate (#539)
  • Fixed bullets not exported into json when calling extract-data (#496)
  • Fixed artifact_update config processing when “artifact” value is set or not (#535)
  • Fixed method PdfDocTemplate.SetDefaults does not clean the config (#534)
  • Fixed document being held after closing in .net (#532)
  • Fixed getting the font name from PdeObject (#531)
  • Fixed PDF version update to minimum 1.4 when adding tags into the document (#502)
  • Fixed missing form field appearance after updating the field value (#511)
  • Fixed creation of form field appearance shared with multiple form fields (#503)
  • Fixed BBox calculation in SetAppearanceFromXObject when XObejct is form (#497)
  • Fixed handling zero default values in structures in .NET (#492)
  • Fixed document template config merge after preflight (#485)
  • Fixed conversion of launch action in PDF to HTML conversion (#482)


  • Removed PdfDoc.FlattenAnnots, use PdfPage.FlattenAnnot instead (#494)

[6.9.0] – 2021-03-08


  • Added support for converting partial content into HTML using object state flags (#477)
  • Added form field event emitter upon register_widget (#476)
  • Added python internal samples and OpenFromStream example (#472)


  • Changed python github examples (#469)


  • Fixed content2json CLI example page number default value (#481)
  • Fixed PDF to HTML JavaScript conversion of a form field with ‘ or ” in the name (#475)
  • Fixed targets for nuget packages (#474)
  • Fixed Wasm sdk.CreateImage/Destroy memory leaks (#473)
  • Fixed python interface methods with passed structure as parameter (#467)

[6.8.0] – 2021-02-25


  • Added mothods for creation of text object with font (#91)
  • Added Java Maven sdk sample into github (#164)
  • Added PdsText methods SetText, SplitAtChar, GetCharQuad (#91 #391 #388 #390 )
  • Added PdeElement method GetQuad (#392)
  • Added PdfDoc methods AcquireAction, AcquireViewDestination (#396 #454)
  • Added Release methods to PdfAction and PdfViewDestination
  • Added PdfPageObject method CopyTo, MoveTo, GetQuad (#399 #392)
  • Added flags to save preflight config with comments and compressed (#406)
  • Added PsSysFont class for handling system fonts (#409)
  • Added progress control to the library (#415)
  • Added PdfAnnot.IsMarkup method (#419)
  • Added flag for render border of the page (#420)
  • Added support to open document from custom stream (#422)
  • Added method PdsPath.ArcTo (#427)
  • Added support for comb property of the widget conversion to HTML (#431)
  • Added PdfBookmark methods SetAction, GetAppearance, SetAppearance (#439 #442)
  • Added methods for creating of PdfActions (#440)
  • Added parameter to extract text style of the text element in extract-data CLI command (#444)
  • Added method for creating PdfViewDestination (#446)
  • Added Remove method to the PdfBookmark class (#447)
  • Added GetGenId method to the PdsObject (#452)
  • Added SetTitle method to PdfBookmark interface (#453 #455)
  • Added kInsertAfterLast & kInsertBeforFirst constants (#459)


  • Changed PdsContent interfaces, to create objects at specified index (#402)
  • Changed output in the extract highlighted text command to application output and add line breaks (#430)
  • Changed PdfBookmark.AddNewChild method with ‘index’ input parameter specifying the position of the bookmark (#459)


  • Fixed PdfDoc.SetInfo when updating document author (#413)
  • Fixed PdfToHtml saving style and script nodes outside the html node (#421)
  • Fixed PdfDocTemplate.SetDefaults method to properly cleanup config (#423)
  • Fixed object positioning in html (#429)
  • Fixed PDF to HTML conversion of a form field name or values containing ‘ or ” (#436)
  • Fixed performance of the AcquireStructElement methods (#437)
  • Fixed save file performance (#443)
  • Fixed merging preflight with the current template (#449)
  • Fixed performace issues in MacOS and Linux (#448)

[6.7.0] – 2021-01-14


  • Fixed page object caching in PdfDocTemplate while running preflight (#412)

[6.6.0] – 2021-01-13


  • Added objects PdfColorSpace, PdfColor for color space manipulation (#343)
  • Added $if statement evaluation for the configuration query (#355)
  • Added methods PdsText.GetNumChars, GetCharText, GetCharBBox, GetCharAdvanceWidth, GetTextMatrix (#364)
  • Added methods PdePageMap.GetNumArtifacts, GetArtifact to extract artifacts for the page map (#384)
  • Added methods PdfBookmark.AddNewChild, GetObject (#365, #374)
  • Added methods PdfFormField.NotifyWillChange, NotifyDidChange (#385)
  • Added method PdfDoc.FlattenAnnot (#388)
  • Added methods PdsPageObject.GetStateFlag/SetStateFlag, PdeElement::GetStateFlag/SetStateFlag (#407)
  • Added method PdsArray.PutString (#410)


  • Fixed form xobject redaction (#316)
  • Fixed license activation check exception during initializing (#331)
  • Fixed linking of libstdc++ to support older linux distributions (#360)
  • Fixed page cache handling after page insertion (#361)
  • Fixed rendering of text elements after conversion to html (#367)


  • Removed method PdeElement.SetRender (#407)

[6.5.0] – 2020-12-07


  • Added support for creating PdsPath and PdsImage objects PdsContent (#89 #90 #118)
  • Added method PdsPageObject.SetGState (#115)
  • Added method PdfAnnot.IsValid()
  • Added word spacing detection thresholds into the configuration template (#302)
  • Added support for “pde_element” and “pde_object” type in the configuration template (#299)
  • Added no_label option into configuration template (#298)
  • Added CLI option –page-annots support to extract-data command (#327)
  • Added support for password protected documents for CLI commands bmk2json, pages2json, dests2json (#323)
  • Added graphic state and text state extraction to extract-data CLI command (#312)


  • Changed vertical splitters detection for words (#308)
  • Changed paragraphs detection to allow joining lines with different font size (#297)


  • Fixed generating random id for PdsStructElement on CentOS7 (#332)
  • Fixed image margin in pdf to html responsive layout (#320)
  • Fixed colon text spliter position (#304)

[6.4.1] – 2020-11-24


  • Fixed initialization of Pdfix on windows when running under php/jvm (#319)

[6.4.0] – 2020-11-16


  • Fixed initialization on linux when running under php/jvm (#292)
  • Fixed PdsStructElement::SetTitle does not modify the element title (#293)
  • Fixed a bug in filling words detection (#295)
  • Fixed extract-data CLI command saving PageMapData into “page_map” node (#303)

[6.3.0] – 2020-11-11


  • Added get primary font method for PdeWord this info instead of word max font (#272)
  • Added text_line_join_distance threshold into the template JSON (#277)
  • Added CLI –password parameter to the command line to support password protected files (#281)
  • Added pdf open exception for password protected documents kErrorPdfInvalidPassword, kErrorPdfEncryptionFilter (#282)


  • Updated PDF to HTML to export form field registration JavaScript even if –export-js flag is not set (#279)


  • Fixed fail when splitting text during the page map recognition (#278)

[6.2.0] – 2020-11-05


  • Added option to prefere rows in reading order detection (#271)
  • Added word splitters to split columns (#240)
  • Added template threshold for object label detection (#256)
  • Added template threshold for word label detection (#257)
  • Added method PdfPageMap::GetPage (#251)
  • Added method PdeElement::GetPageMap (#250)
  • Added methods for PdsStructElement::SetID, GetLang, SetLang SetActualText (#243, #244, #245)
  • Added redact CLI command and samples (#190)
  • Added template word slitters for column detection (#240)
  • Added extract-data CLI command and samples (#167)


  • Fixed PdePageMap::GetBBox method interface (#250)
  • Fixed PdfBookmark::GetNumChildren fail then bookmark has no kids (#273)
  • Fixed fail in detection of PdeList when wmpty string is present (#269)
  • Fixed fail when creating PdfAction (#253, #254)
  • Fixed underline detection and comparison of wrong coordinates (#209)
  • Fixed wrong naming in pdf_config.json, rename elements_values node to elements node (#219)
  • Fixed support for float values in PdfDocTemplate “bbox” property (#238)
  • Fixed pdfix_app pdf2txt does not support -1 as a default value for -p parameter (#239)


  • Removed method PdfDoc::CreateFormFromObject (#255)

[6.1.1] – 2020-10-16


  • Fixed crashes when processing pdf with the PDFix SDK Basic license (#197)
  • Fixed licensing management fail to identify Windows system home directory in PHP application (#193)

[6.1.0] – 2020-10-02


  • Document template preflight for headers and footers (#30)
  • Document template preflight for headings (#50)
  • (CLI) Use preflight option in CLI commands make-accessible, add-tags, pdf2html – responsive (#127)


  • Merge text objects with the same text state into single BT/ET in content writer (#130)
  • Rename classes PdfDocPreflight to PdfDocTemplate, PdfPagePreflight to PdfPageTemplate
  • Rename method PdfDoc.GetDocTemplate to PdfDoc.GetTemplate (#154)
  • PdfDocTemplage.AddPage methods extended cancel proc callback paramater


  • Duplicated “/Type /XRef” key in a cross-reference entry when saving the document (#121)
  • Bad Font /BBox when opening this output file in PdfDoc.MakeAccessible (#123)

[6.0.0] – 2020-09-22

PDFix SDK now supports Redaction, low-level object editing, Unicode support for form filling, and page manipulation support. This release improves the logical content extraction and tagging using a document preflight, which automatically identifies headers, footers, and headings. Redesigned table, and list detection, reading order detection. Better control using the configuration file allows per-template adjustments to generate better results.
PDFix SDK Integration is now possible using a NuGet package listed on nuget.org with the support of .NET Framework and .NET Core for Windows operating systems.


  • PdfDocTemplate preflight
  • PdfDoc.ApplyRedaction
  • Class PdsContent, method PdfPage.GetContent
  • PdfAnnot.GetAppearanceXObject
  • PdfArray.Put, PdfDictionary.Add
  • PdfAnnot notifications WillChange / DidChange
  • PdeText.GetText
  • PdfPage.SetRotate
  • PdfDoc.Save added kSaveUncompressed, kSaveCompressedStructureOnly flags
  • PdfDoc.InserPages, DeletePage, CreatePage
  • (CLI) Document template preflight for headers and footers (#30)


  • Renamed method PdfPage.AddTextAnnot
  • Error codes update
  • Form filling unicode support
  • Bullets and labels detection
  • Template configuration update
  • Reading order detection update


  • PdfDoc.GetObjectById

[5.8.0] – 2020-09-14


  • PdsCotnent class
  • PdsPath, PdsImage, PdsText, PdsPathPoint
  • PdfPage.GetContent
  • PdfAnnot.GetAppearanceXObject
  • PdsArray.PutNumber
  • PdsArray.PutName
  • PdsArray.InsertArray
  • PdsDictionary.InsertArray


  • PdfPage.AddTextAddAnnot renamed to AddNewTextAddAnnot


  • PdfDoc.FlatenAnnots – flattening widget annotation (dropdown arrow)

[5.7.0] – 2020-08-23


  • PdfDoc.ApplyRedaction
  • PdfAnnot.NotifyWillChange
  • PdfAnnot.NotifyDidChange


  • PdfDoc.FlatenAnnots – flattening markup annot makes document unreadable

[5.6.4] – 2020-08-4


  • PdfPage.SetRotate


  • PdfPage.AddAnnot was renamed to AddNewAnnot
  • PdfPage.AddLinkAnnot was renamed to AddNewLinkAnnot
  • PdfPage.AddTextAnnot was renamed to AddNewTextAnnot
  • PdfPage.AddTextMarkupAnnot was renamed to AddNewTextMarkupAnnot
  • PdePageMap table and reading order detection update


  • PdfFormField.SetValue – appearance not created when filling-in the form with non-asci characters
  • PdfDoc.GetObjectById returns nullptr for existing object

[5.6.0] – 2020-06-20


  • PdfDoc.CreateXObjectFromImage
  • PdfAnnot.SetAppearanceFromXObject
  • PdfDocTemplate.SavePreflightToStream


  • PdfDoc.AddWatermark


  • Performance and stability improvements

[5.5.3] – 2020-06-03


  • Form field appearance not created correctly when filling-in the form on Windows OS

[5.5.2] – 2020-05-29


  • PdfDoc.Save flags kSaveUncompressed, kSaveCompressedStructureOnly

[5.5.1] – 2020-05-28


  • PdfDoc.GetTrailerObject api method
  • PdfDoc.Save flags kSaveUncompressed, kSaveCompressedStructureOnly


  • Extended configuration options for extraction and tagging


  • Form field appearance not created when filling-in the form
  • Setting PDF Producer in metadata
  • Performance and stability improvements

[5.0.44] – 2020-03-15


  • PdfDoc.AddWatermarkFromImage – fixed z-order placement


  • Stability improvements

[5.0.40] – 2019-12-13


  • URI Link conversion fix

[5.0.39] – 2019-11-22


  • PdfPage.FlattenFormXObjects

[5.0.36] – 2020-10-10


  • PdfAccessibleParams – create_bookmarks parameter to control bokmark creation in MakeAccessible method
  • PdfDoc.AddTags -Images tagged by default with an AltText “Figure” unless defined by the config file
  • PdfDoc.AddTags – Tables tagged with table headers by default


  • AcroForm SubmitForm method

[5.0.34] – 2020-03-15


  • Stability and memory management improvements.

[5.0.0] – 2019-06-06

The major release focused on accessibility, PDF/UA compliance and custom configurations. A new PDFix SDK Enterprise version brings the ability to customize layout detection, data extraction, and tagging. New functions allow developers to programmatically create content structure (PdsStructTree, PdsStructElement) and also manipulate and edit existing structure elements, marked content, properties, and attributes. With manual adjustments, you will have full control over the process of creating PDF/UA compliant files. The automated data extraction process is now fully customizable via the configuration file. In addition to the general set of thresholds, a developer can use special query language to dramatically improve the quality of data extraction. These two major features in combination can streamline your remediation workflows.


  • Pdfix.RegisterPlugin, GetPluginByName, GetEvent
  • PdfixPlugin.GetPdfixVersionMajor, GetPdfixVersionMinor, GetPdfixVersionPatch
  • PsEvent.GetType, GetDoc, GetPage, GetAnnot
  • PdsStructTree.GetObject, RemoveKid, CreateStructElement, GetDoc, UpdateParentTree
  • PdsStructElement.SetAlt, AddAttrObj, RemoveAttrObj, RemoveKid, CreateStructElement, SetParent, AddPageObject, AddAnnot, GetStructTree, SetType
  • PdfPageView.Release
  • PdePageMap.Release, AcquireElements, CreateElement, AddTags
  • PdfPage.Release, GetLogicalRotate, CreatePageMap, GetNumPageObjects, GetPageObject, GetResources, GetObject, FlattenFormXObjects, GetContentFlags, SetContent, GetDoc
  • PdfDocTemplate.GetProperty, SetProperty, GetRegex, SetRegex
  • PdfDoc.RemoveTags, CreateDictObject, CreateArrayObject, CreateNameObject, CreateStringObject, CreateIntObject, CreateNumberObject, CreateStreamObject, GetObjectById, CreateStructTree, RemoveStructTree, RemoveBookmarks, CreateBookmarks, AddFontMissingUnicode
  • PdfAnnot.GetStructObject
  • PdfAction.GetDestPageNum
  • PdeText.GetTextFlags, GetLabelLevel, SetLabelLevel
  • PdeTextLine.GetTextLineFlags
  • PdeWord.GetWordFlags
  • PdeElement.SetBBox, SetRender, SetData, GetData, SetAlt, SetActualText, GetFlags, SetFlags, PdsContentMark, GetNumTags, GetTagName, GetTagObject, GetTagMcid, GetTagArtifact, AddTag, RemoveTag
  • PdsForm.GetNumPageObjects, GetPageObject
  • PdsText.GetTextState
  • PdsPageObject.GetId, SetRender, GetStructObject, GetContentMark, GetPage
  • PdsStream.IsEof, GetSize, Read, GetPos
  • PdsDictionary.Put, GetDictionary, GetArray, GetStream, GetString, GetText, GetNumber, GetInteger, GetBoolean
  • PdsArray.Put, Insert, GetDictionary, GetArray, GetStream, GetString, GetText, GetNumber, GetInteger
  • PdsName.GetText,
  • PdsString.GetText
  • PdsObject.GetId
  • (OCR) OcrTesseract.SetDataPath, SetEngine
  • (OCR) TesseractDoc.OcrImageToPage


  • PdsStructElement.GetType, PdsStructElement.GetID
  • PdfDoc.GetRootObject, PdfDoc.GetInfoObject


  • Pdfix.SetRegex
  • PdsStructTree.ReleaseStructElement
  • PdfPage.ReleasePageMap, PdfPage.ReleasePageView, PdfPage.GetNumMcidPageObjects, PdfPage.GetMcidPageObject
  • PdfDoc.ReleasePage, PdfPage.RemoveStructTree
  • PdeTextLine.GetFlags
  • PdeWord.GetFlags
  • PdeElement.SetRenderMode
  • PdsReference.GetObjectNumber
  • (OCR) OcrTesseract.SetData
  • (OCR) TesseractDoc.Save

[4.1.0] – 2018-10-03


  • PdsObject – access to PDF low level objects
  • PdsStructTree – access to PDF document structure tree (Tags)
  • PDF to XML conversion
  • PdfDocTemplate.kTrDetectRotation – automatic detection of page rotation flag
  • PdfDocTemplate.kMinCharClipRatio – clipping area intersection threshold
  • PdfDocTemplate.kTrMaxLineSpacing – maximum line spacing in paragraph threshold
  • (HTML) Text decoration under text markup annotations (highlight, underline, cross-out, squiggly)


  • PdfDoc.GetInfo returns empty string if Info dict not present
  • PdfPage.GetMediaBox returns bounding box 0,0,612,792 if not present
  • PdeContentWriter – content stream optimization for TJ and Tj operators
  • PdeContentWriter – type3 font support
  • PdeContentWriter – inline image support
  • PdfFlattenAnnotsParams – flat_annot member to select annotation type to flatten
  • PdfPageMap – applied kTextFlagStrikeout flag on text when Cross-Out annotation is in place
  • PdfPageMap – text outside of clip area treated as artifact
  • PdfPageMap – split filling words into separate PdeTexts
  • AddTags – set generic Form Field tooltip when missing TU key
  • AddTags – extra spaces in text handling
  • Metadata support of in dc:title update
  • ErrorCode renamed kErrorPdfCosObjInvalid to kErrorPdsObjectInvalid
  • Xref stream support when saving files
  • (HTML) changed < input > defaultValue property to data-default-value


  • (HTML) .pdf-page h1 h2 h3 h4 to .pdf-page h1, ,pdf-page h2, … to apply style on .pdf-page only, same with .pdf-page.responsive table h1 .. h4
  • (HTML) < input > maxLength property – missing quotes
  • (HTML) CSS & HTML validation fixes
  • (HTML) Unwanted “)” in html output
  • (HTML) PdfToHtmlDoc.SaveDocHtml, PdfToHtmlDoc.SavePageHtml memory allocation fix
  • (HTML) Textarea CSS – scrollbar was missing in case of long text


  • kTemplateFlatAnnots – use flat_annot in PdfFlattenAnnotsParams instead
  • kTrLineSpacingTextSplit – use kTrMaxLineSpacing instead
  • kTrLineSpacing – use kTrMaxLineSpacing instead
  • kTemplateAcceptTags
  • (HTML) Removed css white-space: -pre-wrap, -o-pre-wrap, -moz-pre-wrap as unsupported properties

[4.0.5] – 2018-08-20


  • Text tagging fix
  • Text content writer fix

[4.0.1] – 2018-06-20


  • Updated c# wrapper
  • Stability improvements
  • New sample on Github for c# 
  • Font subsetting update
  • (OCR) OcrTesseract.SetLanguage parameters update


  • Table recognition fix

[4.0.0] – 2018-05-07


  • Make PDF Accessible – allows you to convert PDF to PDF/UA
  • EmbedFonts – allows you to embed/subset fonts in PDF document
  • (OCR) OCR module – allows you to convert scanned PDF into searchable PDF


  • Github repository samples
  • Online documentation
  • Trial key authorization update
  • PdfixPlugin.GetID was removed
  • PsImage.Save renamed to SaveToStream, new PsImage.Save()
  • PsMetadata object
  • PdfDoc.SetLang, PdfDoc.GetLang
  • Read/write document metadata (title, author, creator, description) and sync. with Info dict
  • PdfDoc.GetMetadata,
  • PdsStructElement renamed to PdfStructElement


  • File size issue after saving file
  • Incremental save fix
  • Digital signature fix
  • Content writer – double, float value format – no exponent
  • PdePageMap android crash fix
  • (HTML) Link annotations with URI action in a fixed view

[3.2.5] – 2018-08-01


  • (HTML) Changed defaultValue property to data-default-value in input element


  • (HTML) Bug fixes in PDF to HTML conversion
  • (HTML) css .pdf-page h1 h2 h3 h4 to .pdf-page h1, ,pdf-page h2, … not to apply style outside .pdf-page (same with .pdf-page.responsive table h1 .. h4)
  • (HTML) Missing quotes in maxLength property in input element


  • (HTML) css properties white-space: -pre-wrap, -o-pre-wrap, -moz-pre-wrap

[3.2.4] – 2018-05-18


  • PdfFormField.GetFontName returns user friendly font name


  • (HTML) Form field font style support (font family, size)
  • (HTML) Form field NoScroll flag support for textarea
  • (HTML) Form field MaxLen support

[3.2.3] – 2018-05-08


  • Thread-safe support for jni interface

[3.2.2] – 2018-02-22


  • Ability to reset previously modified Document templates
  • PdePageMap bullet detection
  • PdePageMap rotated text handling
  • (CLI) Support for relative path names for input and output files


  • (HTML) Table column alignment
  • (HTML) Duplicate form field elements in fixed layout
  • (HTML) Incorrect url data format in embedded image streams

[3.2.0] – 2018-02-08


  • (HTML) Support for JPEG image format and image quality
  • (HTML) Simplified CSS in the output


  • Improved content extraction algorithms
  • Tables, charts, bullets, lists, TOC, headers/footers recognition update
  • Reading order detection improvements
  • Customizable document templates
  • Ability to configure content extraction and Autotag process for specific document type or document set


  • (HTML) Table column alignment
  • (HTML) Duplicate form field elements in fixed layout
  • (HTML) Incorrect url data format in embedded image streams

[3.0.0] – 2017-10-03


  • PDF to PDF/UA conversion
  • PdfDoc.MakeAccessible, Make PDF accessible functionality
  • PdfDoc.AddTags, Add tags into PDF automatically


  • Streams support
  • Improved Table detection
  • Improved Paragraph recognition
  • Improved List detection
  • Table of contents detection
  • Customizable document templates
  • (HTML) New PDF to HTML conversions
  • (HTML) PDF conversion to embeddable
    html element
  • (HTML) Embedded resources
  • Fixed

    • (HTML) Table column alignment
    • (HTML) Duplicate form field elements in fixed layout
    • (HTML) Incorrect url data format in embedded image streams

    [2.0.0] – 2017-02-15


    • More accurate elements detection
    • Text Tables detection improvement
    • Colspan and Rowspan bug fixies
    • Text Paragraphs detection improvement
    • Bullets recognition
    • Repeated pattern detection (patterns of characters, such as a series of dots or dashes, between a tab and the following text)
    • Background image separation
    • Drop Cap text detection
    • Form Field flattening
    • (HTML) PDF to HTML conversion SDK released
    • (HTML) Fixed or Responsive layout output
    • (HTML) Multiple HTML files output or one continuous HTML page
    • (HTML) TrueType Font Extraction
    • (HTML) Text size output control
    • (HTML) AcroForm support

    [1.0.2] – 2017-01-10


    • Text tables detection
    • Lists and Table of contents detection
    • Image intersection improvement
    • Words detection improvement
    • Elements clipping improvement
    • Reading order detection improvement
    • Header/Footer detection

    [1.0.1] – 2016-05-20


    • Discrete elements detection
    • Text tables detection (output as an image)
    • Table cell background color detection
    • Words detection improvement
    • Headers/Footers detection
    • XForm object handling

    [1.0.0] – 2016-05-01


    • Initial release