PDF Batch Processing

PDF Batch Processing

Suppose you already use PDFix to tag your document, validate it, extract some data, and many others. But what if you need to repeat the same process over a multitude of different files? This is where our batch processing comes to play! We offer the possibility of executing the same command on any batch of your chosen documents. You can choose whether you want to use a simple command, one of our pre-prepared, more complicated commands, or even build your own.

Base Commands

First, we will look at the choice of Base Commands you can execute on your documents. Load your files into PDFix and select the ones that you want to modify. Either right-click on the selection and hover over the Run Command option or press the Commands button in the main panel. In both cases, hover over the Base commands option to view the selection of simple commands that can be applied to your pdfs.

Base commands – Get Doc Info

We recommend starting with the command called Get Doc Info. It retrieves the basic information about your documents, such as their language, title, latest modification date, or whether they are tagged. You can analyze all of the gathered data through the individual columns. Pay special attention to the Progress and Status columns when executing a command. As the names suggest these columns can be used to track the progress of your running command.

Base commands – Get Doc Info
The state of the documents before (top) and after (bottom) running GetDocInfo.

Base commands – Set Language

Next, let’s try to change the language of some of your selected documents. Once again, open the Base Commands selection and choose Set Language. Be careful! All changes to your files will be automatically saved on your disk. The Set Language command is accompanied by a dialog where you can choose the preferred language. Press ok, and once again, run Get Doc Info to view the language changes.

Base commands – Set Language
The dialog attached to the Set Language command.

Base commands – modify dialog

Similar to Set Language, many others run with a corresponding dialog. You can alter such commands by setting up the connected dialogs beforehand. This way, when running, the command will automatically fill out the dialog based on your preferences without the need to manually set it up each time. To perform the modification, open the Manage Command window (through the Commands option in the main panel). Examine which commands run with additional dialogs. Double-click on one such command – for example, Add Tags – and fill out the dialogue. Close it, and uncheck the Show Dialog option. And that’s it! You can now try to run your modified command.

Base commands – modify dialog
Modification of the Add Tags dialog through the Commands window.

Custom command

PDFix also offers the possibility of creating custom commands. Built from the Base commands, they can be used to sequentially execute multiple commands in a row. In order to create a custom command, once again open the Manage Commands window and, now, click on the plus button. Enter the command name and description, and start building. Simply press the plus button to add a new base command, and remember to set up its dialog if necessary. Once you are happy with your results, close the window and try out your custom command.

Custom command
The creation of a new custom command.

Last but not least, we also offer two pre-prepared custom commands, namely Autofix and Make Accessible, with many more to come. Autofix automatically fixes any errors present in the document based on the validation results. Make Accessible is a set of commands that automatically create an accessible pdf by creating its tag tree and correctly setting the necessary metadata, such as language. You can learn more about these commands by reading our previous blog posts.

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