PDF Days Europe 2018

PDF Days Europe 2018

The world’s most popular PDF event will be happening from May 14th – 16th in Berlin. A chance get in touch with PDF industry. Meet vendors and consumers of the PDF technology.

This year this event will host the following tracks:

  1. PDF for Users.
    • Use cases and practical business solutions.
  2. PDF for developers.
    • Technical presentations discussing PDF 2.0, digital signatures, encryption and more.
  3. PDF for marketers.
    • Marketplace information, discussion, and resources for PDF Association members.

The following topics are already in the agenda:

  • veraPDF after PREFORMA: What’s next for the industry-supported veraPDF validator?
  • Open data: PDF isn’t just about presentation; underlying data is also PDF-portable.
  • GDPR: How will these new regulations affect PDF technology, and vice-versa?
  • Encryption with PDF 2.0: Best-practice for developers who need to support 1.7 but also take advantage of new PDF 2.0 features.
  • Accessible PDF: The latest advances in tagged PDF from office documents, from scans, from graphic design systems
  • 5 visions of a PDF future: PDF experts offer their ideas for PDF in another 25 years
  • Blockchain for documents: What distributed ledger technology could mean for PDF?
  • PDF statistics: How many PDF files exist? How many include annotations, or tags? What are the trends?
  • Especially for our members: Using PDF Association resources to augment your own marketing
  • … and much more.

Review the complete agenda for PDF Days Europe 2018 for Monday, May 14 and Tuesday May 15 or get in touch with us for more information.

Meet us at PDF Days Europe 2018!


