Custom PDF Solutions with the PDFix SDK

Custom PDF Solutions with the PDFix SDK

PDF is the most important content carrier on the web (excluding HTML of course). Over 80% of the content online that is not HTML is presented as a PDF file. Around 98% of content on .com domains are presented as HTML yet over 38% of content on .gov domains are in PDF.

Billions of different PDF files

There are billions of PDF files created by many different PDF generators and unfortunately, the majority (upward of 80 percent) of enterprise data today is unstructured. It´s difficult and sometimes very painful to get any data from unstructured PDF files. The PDFix allows you to extract data from PDF in an easily readable structured way, even from the unstructured PDFs.

Get the best results

Logical Data Extraction and processing from unstructured PDFs is not an easy task. The quality depends on the original PDF layout. There is no perfect algorithm that works under all circumstances. The PDFix SDK itself comes with a general configuration which should be ok for the majority of cases.

We are always open to customize settings of the automated extraction and conversion process for your document set and improve the quality of the extracted data to get the best results possible. Feel free to drop us a few lines about your project´s requirements let we can contribute to your solution to make it more effective.


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