PDFix Desktop Feature List

Introducing our PDFix Desktop Feature List for an in-depth look at our advanced accessibility features, content editing, and conversion capabilities.











Reading Order





HTML Conversion

Data Extraction

Batch Commands


PDF Viewer


Display PDFs and document panels, such as Thumbnails, Bookmarks, Content, Annotations, Tags, Fonts, etc.

Undo / Redo


Reverse previous actions to correct mistakes or revert changes.

Zoom in / Zoom out


Zoom to change the size of the page view.

Fit Page & Fit Page Width


“Fit Page” provides a full view of a single page, “Fit Page Width” adjusts the page’s view size to match the document viewer’s width.

Document Object Browser


Low level editing of PDF objects.



Personalize PDFix Desktop application, color schemes, panels visibility, shortcuts, etc.


Find Content from Selection


Search for the object in the Content pane associated with the current selection.

Artifact Untagged Content


Mark all non-tagged elements as decorative or non-relevant, as an artifact.

Clear Tags Content Marks


Remove MCID and Artifact content marks from the selected object.

Clear All Content Marks


Remove all content marks from the selected object, for example Lang, or Alt.

Flatten Form XObjects


Flatten Form XObjects directly into the page content stream.

Split Text Runs


Divide internal PDF text objects at a specific position.



Run advanced content analysis to improve content structure recognition


Tag Editing


Tags panel manual tagging

In the Tags panel you can manually Add, Edit, Delete and Move tags. Click on the Options menu (or right click) at the panel toolbar to see all available actions that works for the current tag selection.

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Delete Tag


Set Alternate Desctiption


Set Alternate Description

PDF documents accessibility can be improved by offering alternative descriptions for Figure, Formula, and other non-textual elements. These text alternatives are crucial for accessibility, as they enable users with vision disabilities to understand the content. Alternate descriptions can be set with Set Alternate Description semi automation process.

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Set Tag Attributes


Specify additional attributes, such as type, title, ID, Language, Alt and Actual text, to tag.




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Find Tag from Selection


Search for the tag in the Tags panel that is associated with the current selection.

Fix Tag Reading Order


Rearrange tag order, drag and drop incorrect tags in the tag tree to correct the structure of the reading order.

Cut and Paste Tag


Remove the selected tag from its current location and places it into the specified location.

Edit Role Maps


Add/ change/ delete role maps for the document. Role maps allow each document to contain a uniquely defined tag set.

Change Tag to Artifact


Change selected tags to artifacts and removes the tagged content from the structure tree.

Artifact Untagged Content


Mark all non-tagged elements as decorative or non-relevant, as an artifact.

Change Properties of multiple Tags in Batch


Context sensitive editing of properties and attributes of multiple tags at once.

Edit Tag Attributes


Modify additional properties of the tag.

Fix Spaces


Fix Placement


Fix Headings


Remove tag properties


Apply Standard Tags


Clear Document Structure


Clear the whole document structure.

Repair Parent Tree


Correct the structural parent tree.

Repair ID Tree


Correct the ID tree that maps tag identifiers to the tags they denote. 

Set Tag ID


Add unique IDs to specific tag.


Create Bookmarks from Headings


Create nested bookmarks based on the heading tags in your document.

Edit Bookmarks


Add / delete / move / edit bookmarks’ properties. Bookmarks provide a very useful table of contents.

Add Links to Table of Content


Create accessible linking between the entries in the table of content and the identical headers.

Delete All Bookmarks


Clear document bookmark tree.


Find Annotation from Selection


Find annotations that are associated with the current selection.

Set Annotation Contents


Add an alternative description to an annotation tag automatically, based on the content background.

Flatten Annotations


Flatten annotations into the content stream.


Create Form Tags


Create form tags

Fix Tagging of Forms


Fix tagging of forms

Add Tooltip to a Form Field


Add tooltip to a form field or widget annotation

Automatic Form Field Tagging


Create a Form tag from a widget annotation


Display language


Show a language in which the document was created.

Set Document Language


Choose a language of the document from the list of language options.

Set Language for Object


Set the language content mark for the specific object.


Set Document Title


Modify the document’s title or automatically update document title with H1 heading text.

Detect Headings


Preflight the document to automatically identify document’s headings.

Tag Heading


Apply heading tags with the appropriate level to indicate heading hierarchy in the content.

Fix Incorrect Heading Tags


Delete the tags and replace with new ones or retag by selecting the proper tag from the drop-down selection.

Fix Heading Order


Manually correct heading hierarchy (H1, H2, etc.) to ensure readability and accessibility.


Find Font From Selection


Search for the font that is associated with current selection.

Embed Fonts


Embed fonts into the file to ensure that all font information is secured in PDF.

Add or Edit Glyph Unicode Mapping


Add or edit the Unicode Mapping of all characters and fonts that are used in the document.


Create Paragraph from Selection


Tag selected text content as a paragraph

Edit or Delete Paragraphs


Edit or Delete paragraph properties and attributes

Reading order

Display Reading Order


Display elements in the order in which it will be read by screen reader.

Fix Tag Reading Prder


Rearrange tag order, drag and drop incorrect tags in the tag tree to correct the structure of the reading order.

Create a Link Tag from Selection


Create a hyperlink that enables jumping to other locations within the same document or to external resources as websites.

Edit a link


Change the destination of the link, resize or delete a link.

Add an alternative text description to a link tag.

Add Links to Table of Content


Create accessible linking between the entries in the table of content and the identical headers.


Create List, LI, and LBody tags


Create a List tags to represent lists, list items, and list bodies.

Create List from Selection


Automatically generate lists from selected content inclucing LI and LBody tags.

Edit List Numbering Attribute Values


Modify attributes of numbered or bulleted lists for better formatting and structural consistency.

Fix List Tagging Errors


Fix issues with list structure ensuring that numbered or bulleted lists are properly interpreted.


Set Document Metadata


View and edit document metadata.

Add PDF/UA Identifier


Add a special the PDF/UA identifier to document metadata.


Create Figure Tag from Selection


Create Figure tag from selection

Add or Edit Alt Text to Image


Add or edit descriptive text to illustrate the figures / images.


Create Table Tag From Selection


Convert selected content into a structured table.

Create TR, TH and TD Tags


Tag the table row, table header and data cells to generate table structure.

Tag the Table


Tag the object as a table.

Edit a Table


Add / delete rows and columns, insert / delete / merge / split / cells and rows.

Merge Tables


Merge tables by moving table rows across tables.

Display Table Structure


Display table structure

Table Tool and Table Editor


Create or redesign existing table tag, adjust / delete / merge the columns and rows with table tool

Edit Cell Properties


Add/edit additional data to specify every single cell within the table.

Add or Edit Associated header


Add or change associated header cells to data cells.

Add Header ID


Automatically generate header cell ID.


PDF/UA Validation


Validate PDF and highlight non-compliant sections.

Validation Report


Display results of validation with a page navigation option to access error details, also visible in the Content Panel.

Fix validation errors


Automatically Fix PDF/UA Validation Errors.

Revalidate Button


Ensure no additional errors are present after fixing validation errors.

HTML Conversion

Convert document or selectedd content into HTML.

Tagged PDF to HTML


Derive the HTML layout from the tags of the PDF to create a fully responsive HTML.

PDF to responsive HTML


Convert a PDF to responsive HTML with the Layout Recognition Tool.

PDF to Fixed HTML


Convert PDF to HTML while preserving the original layout and formatting.

Data Extraction

Extract Raw Data


Extract raw PDF data into JSON or XML.

Extract Structured Data


Extract structured data from a PDF into JSON or XML.

Convert the document into a JSON file and examine its structure.

Batch Commands

Features available in PDFix Desktop Enterprise.

Make Accessible


Comply the PDF with accessibility standards.

Add Tags


Add tags to define the structure of the document.



Automatically fix PDF/UA validation errors.

Add Missing Unicode


Add the Unicode Mapping of all characters and fonts.

Artifact Content


Mark non-tagged elements as non-relevant, as an artifacts.

Artifact Clear Document Structure Content


Clear the whole document structure.

Convert to HTML


Convert PDF to HTML, to Fixed HTML or Derivate.

Convert to JSON


Convert a PDF into a JSON file to examine the structure.

Create Bookmarks


Create nested bookmarks based on the heading tags.

Delete Empty Tags


Remove all empty tags from the document.

Embed Fonts


Integrate fonts into the PDF to ensure the security of font details.

Fix Placement


Fix wrong placement attributes of figure, form, formula or tag.

Flatten Annotations


Flatten annotations into the content stream.

Flatten FormXObject


Flatten FormXObjects directly into the page content stream.

Get Document Properties


Retrieve detailed information about PDF.

Load Template


Create and load customized PDF templates with specific layout components.



Run checks and fixups on objects to make PDF compliant.

Remove Tag Properties


Remove actual text, alternate description or ID from selected tags.

Repair ID Tree


Correct the ID tree that maps tag identifiers to the tags they denote. 

Repair Parent Tree


Correct the structural parent tree.

Reset Template


Reset Template

Set Annotation Contents


Add an alternative description to an annotation tag based on the content background.

Set Document Properties


Set information about PDF.

Set Language


Choose a language of the document from the list of language options.

Set PDF Standard


Set PDF comliance standard PDF/UA, PDF/A, etc.

Set Tabs Key


Set Tabs Key

Set Tag ID


Add unique IDs to specific tag.

Set Title


Modify the document’s title.



Validate the syntax of PDF/UA-1 and tagged PDF.